18 Mar Interwoven Worlds: Unveiling the Intricate Bonds of Nature
Today, we delve into the fascinating connections between organisms of an ecosystem, where the presence of one seemingly inconsequential species has far-reaching consequences for an iconic predator – the lion.
This entry is one that I thoroughly enjoyed learning and writing about! This article subject is truly a perfect representation of the circle of life!

This subject is one that correlates to the issue of invasive species which we touched upon in one of our February installments. Today’s featured invasive species is the big-headed ant in East Africa. Yes, they are really called big-headed ants! The presence of this invasive species is tied to a Kenyan lion’s ability to catch their prey such as zebras. They are actually decreasing a lion’s ability to do so! Some may be thinking how in the world do ants affect lions but these intruders cause a massive chain reaction that is disrupting an entire ecosystem!

In certain parts of Africa, especially in the savanna biome, Acacia trees provide wonderful shade and a nice snack for animals such as elephants and giraffes. Though sometimes elephants can be overzealous! “Acacia ants protect whistling-thorn trees by biting and stinging elephants looking for a snack. In return, they get nectar and shelter. But big-headed ants – an invasive ant species that can take over whistling-thorn trees by killing adult acacia ants and eating their eggs and larvae – offer no such protection.” As a result there is no longer protection for the acacia trees, resulting in them being over eaten as well and uprooted and pushed over by excited elephants. “In invaded areas, elephants browse and break trees at five to seven times the rate of that in uninvaded areas.” This is a perfect example of the disruption that invasive species bring with them into ecosystems.
An absence of the trees causes an increase in visibility on the zebra’s part, diminishing the lion’s capability to hide and stalk their prey. “The team found zebra kills were almost three times more likely in low-visibility areas where big-headed ants were absent, than in high-visibility areas where the big-headed ants were present. But the analysis ruled out a link to zebra density, or lion activity, suggesting the drop in kills is likely because the lions are more visible to their prey.” The good news is that at this moment, lion populations don’t seem to be too affected by this added difficulty as their numbers still remain stable. It will be something that is closely monitored with a new focus of tackling what to do about controlling and diminishing the big-headed ant invasion.
The story of the big-headed ant and its impact on lion hunting abilities serves as a poignant reminder of the intricate interconnectedness of ecosystems. From the smallest ant to the mightiest lion, each organism plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of nature.
As we confront the challenges posed by invasive species, we must recognize the importance of preserving biodiversity and safeguarding the integrity of our ecosystems. By understanding and mitigating the disruptive effects of invasive species, we can strive to protect not only individual species but the web of life that sustains us all.
Read the full article here: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/25/how-invasive-ants-are-impeding-lions-hunt
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